
宮城かんせんの会 - 会長 渡辺 常幸 より







Tsuneyuki Watanabe, chairman of the Miyagi Kansen Association

Welcome to the "Miyagi Kansen no Kai (MKK)" Home page.

Our "Miyagi Kansen no Kai" is an organization where psoriasis patients and familiesgather,and the disease called"psoriasis" It is an organization for patients to exchange information with each other and to obtain opportunities to learn from the teachers of Specialists.
The purpose of the  meeting is to first learn the correct knowledgeandtreatment of Psoriasis , andto be patient with the same disease  To treat their own psoriasis while exchanging  In the

The treatment of psoriasis has progressed dramatically compared to the ten years before the inauguration of the society , and our treatment options have spread considerably.
State-of-the-art biological formulation treatment, such as treatment that is almost alleviated symptoms of psoriasis has become the reach of our hands, medical expenses are expensive and hospitals that can still be consulted, such as Iwas I feel that it is not a trulyfamiliar treatment for patients with psoriasis.
In addition, There are many people who are worried alone because it is not possible to consultanyone in the psoriasis patient,  There are many patients who have stress due to the trouble of daily life due to the symptom .

In the "Miyagi Kansen no Kai", I receivedadvice from a specialist of psoriasis for such a psoriasis patient, and while exchanging information with each other members suffering from psoriasisWe are engaged in activities that will lead to our own treatment.
As a specific activity, we regularly  conduct workshops and social gatherings to exchange information between members of specialists and counselors .
We open the door to patients who suffer from psoriasis at any time.
Please come to the activities of "Miyagi Kansen no Kai".

宮城かんせんの会 - 相談医 東北大学大学院 医学系研究科 相場節也教授 より



東北大皮膚科 相場節也

 今から20年以上前に、若い女性の乾癬患者さんから何とかよい治療法をみつけてくださいと頼まれたことがある。その当時は、ステロイド軟膏、コールタールを皮膚に塗って紫外線を当てるゲッケルマン療法、オクソラレンと紫外線を組み合わせたPUVA療法くらいしか治療方法はなかった。重症な患者さんの中には、何ヶ月も入院している方もいた。私が個人的に新しい治療方法を開発したわけではないが、その当時と比べると乾癬治療の進歩には目を見張るものがある。光線療法の種類も増え、narrow band UVBを用いれば以前のようにくさいコールタールを塗って包帯を巻く必要はなくなり、2ヶ月とも3ヶ月ともいわれた入院期間も概ね1ヶ月と短縮された。最近では、生物学的製剤とよばれる一群の注射薬が使われるようになり、多くの患者さんが定期的な注射さえ欠かさなければ乾癬を患っていない人と全く同じ生活が営めるようになった。一方、最近は乾癬とメタボリック症候群との関連が問題にされている。確かに、年配の乾癬患者さんを診察すると立派なおなかをしている方が目立つ。必ずしも食生活を改善し適度な運動をおこなったからといって直ぐに乾癬の症状が良くなるわけではないが、乾癬患者さんは人一倍この点に注意すべしというのが現時点での学会の共通見解である。昔は、日本では乾癬は珍しい病気だったと聞いている。食生活の欧米化、車社会が招いた運動不足、競争社会の広がりによるストレス増加などともに乾癬も増加した。乾癬は昔と比べると数段治療しやすい病気になった。しかし、やはり全ての病気と同様に自己管理と摂生が大切である。


Defeating psoriasis

Setsuya Aiba, M.D., Ph.D.
Professor and Chairman
Department of Dermatology
Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine

  More than 20 years ago, a young female psoriatic patient asked me to develop a novel method that can completely cure her psoriasis. In those days, topical steroid ointment, Goeckerman therapy, and PUVA therapy were only therapeutic modalities. Many patients spent more than 2 months in our hospital to clear their skin lesions. Although I could not invent a new therapy, psoriatic therapy advanced dramatically. With narrow-band UVB therapy, the patients do not have to be covered with bandage or be patient with the smell of tar required for Goeckerman therapy. In addition, the duration for hospitalization has become only 35 days in average. The recent advance in biologics succeeded in getting of more than 90% skin lesions from many patients. Moreover, as far as they continue the treatment with biologics at regular intervals, their daily life does not significantly differ from that of non-psoriatic subjects. On the other hand, a pile of researches shed light on the strong association between psoriasis and metabolic syndrome. Indeed, I frequently see psoriatic elder men with big bellies. Although improvement of diet and moderate exercise do not necessarily relieve psoriatic lesions immediately, the patients must be aware of these points. Psoriasis was once a rare disease in Japan. Westernization of dietary habit, lack of exercise, and increased mental stress caused by the development of competitive society increased the prevalence of psoriasis. Although psoriasis has become to be a more easily treatable disease, self-control and temperance is required, in particular, for psoriatic patients.

Finally, Miyagi Psoriasis Organisation of Japan (MKK) is increasing their members and becoming fruitful in every meeting. As the proverb goes, “learn wisdom by the follies of others”, it is also very important in treating psoriasis to exchange information among the patients. I hope further progression of MKK.